An industrialist, but also a very simple man, raised as a monk.

He represents a very interesting time when the west became fascinated by Asian culture, and this east/west dichotomy is pure Marvel gold: he’s a very skilled warrior, but a pacifist. MARVEL CONTEST OF CHAMPIONS “Iron Fist was part of the original roster of ‘Contest of Champions,’ and a natural fit for a fighting game like ours. Did I mention he punched a train and a Helicarrier?!”- Allen Warner, Lead Narrative Designer on “Marvel Avengers Academy”
In the world of ‘Marvel Avengers Academy’, he’s still figuring out how to use his nunchucks, but he’s already an expert in everything ‘chill.’ He’s the type of hero you want by your side whether you’re just hanging out at home or fighting for your life in an extra-dimensional Kung Fu tournament. MARVEL AVENGERS ACADEMY “How can you not love a hero who got his powers by punching an undying dragon in the heart?! For my money, he and Luke Cage are the coolest duo in all of Marvel, and his relationship with Misty Knight is one of the most important in comics history. The denizens of K’un-L’un would take the boy in and train him in the martial arts upon adulthood, he passed the trials to become the city’s representative as an Immortal Weapon: Iron Fist! Returning to New York, Iron Fist became a super hero and partnered with Luke Cage as the Heroes for Hire. MEET IRON FIST Betrayed by his business partner, Wendell Rand and his wife Heather lost their lives while searching for the mystical city of K’un-L’un, orphaning their son Danny in the process.

Today, the spotlight falls on the upcoming star of his own Netflix series, Danny Rand, aka Iron Fist! On a regular basis, Marvel Games Presents will highlight these characters’ histories as well as shine a spotlight on their current gaming appearances. With over 75 years of rich history, the Marvel Universe has produced countless memorable heroes and villains.